Saturday, 4 May 2013

1996: A Game of Thrones

Book Name: A Game of Thrones

Author: George R.R. Martin

Genre: Fantasy; Political Strategy

Year Published: 1996

When I decided to take this challenge, I had already started reading A Game of Thrones, but I figured I might as well include it in my 100 books as it was going to take me a while to finish it anyway. As it turns out, it took me around 3 months to read it on and off as I found it quite difficult to get into. In fact, I read 3 other books between starting and finishing A Game of Thrones... Despite this, I did quite enjoy it after a while and am planning on reading the rest of the series someday.

It was certainly not the usual kind of fantasy novel that I enjoy. One of my favourite authors is Terry Pratchett and I prefer books with dragons and wizards and suchlike in them. In contrast, A Game of Thrones is much more fantasy in the sense of a made up world as opposed to more unusual fantastical elements. So I guess it was quite interesting to read something quite different to the style I'm used to, which is one of the main reasons I wanted to start this 100 book challenge anyway. Hopefully sometime I'll have time for the rest of the series, but until then, just to say I'm glad I stuck it out with this one & thanks to many of my friends for the recommendation!

Other Books I Considered: The Butterfly Lion - Michael Morpugo; Fight Club - Chuck Palahniuk; The Green Mile - Stephen King

Friday, 3 May 2013

The Concept of This Blog

Based on a friend of mine's attempt to watch 100 films from 1913-2013, I have decided on the slightly different challenge of reading 100 books from 1900-2000 - one book for each year. The aim of this blog is two-fold I suppose.

a) To personally keep track of what I'm reading and remind myself things about each book that I liked or didn't like and just to generally record little things about them.

b) For other people to maybe discover new books or just have a read about ones that they may not have heard of or have heard of but not bothered/had time to read. To this end, I will do my best to avoid any major spoilers in the posts, which should be quite short anyway - however, I may mention something like character development or something particularly interesting/creepy etc. So hopefully this is fair warning.

Anyway, fingers crossed it goes well & doesn't take too many years! :D Kou.